Disadvantages of Gaming

Now being a gamer and obsessed with games people take out the disadvantages of gaming to make us stop:-

Let's go with some of our haters to explore the world of disadvantages

1. They associate violence with fun.

Violent video games make hurting and killing people entertaining. This notion that violence is fun can cause gamers to imitate the game just for fun.

2. They can have a decentralizing effect.
Studies show that violent games have had a desensitizing and decentralizing effect on players, making them unable to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

3. They can lead to game addiction.

These tend to be very addictive, eating up much of the attention and time of gamers, causing them to develop unhealthy lifestyles.

4. They tend to encourage violence as acceptable.

While proponents say that these games is an effective strategy to teach young people to resolve conflicts and attain a certain goal, research also found out that these gamers mostly believe in violent strategies than those that are not.

5. They require players to immerse into violent characters.

Advance game peripherals and controllers require players to engage more physically with the game, which is a form of immersion into the game’s violent characters.
Now that we already know the major advantages and disadvantages of violent video games, it may be difficult for us to confirm of a strong link between these games and juvenile delinquency. However, we can do some things to prevent young people to get addicted to them, specifically those that are publicly categorized as having offensive or mature. It is more of the ability of parents to discipline their children from developing bad habits from these games.

6) It has negative effects on socialization

The child who has fun with games that are violent can lead to negative effects in their socialization with other equals, leading to their lack of sense of belonging or social justice
We also know that video games cannot be discussed, which increases the use of violence as a solution

7)It can affect the life of the players

If you do not have control of its use, it can affect our life in a negative way; thus affecting our school performance, the family and our day to day life in general.

8)General Health

Spending a long period of time playing at a computer can have detrimental effects on your health. For a start, you're sitting in one position, pressing the same buttons repeatedly, which can lead to hand and eye strain. A long game session can leave you physically tired, affecting your performance at school or work; overall, this could result in lower personal attainment.


Computer games can trigger epileptic attacks in sufferers who play, which can be extremely dangerous. Often, such an attack is a result of flashing images contained in the game. However, according to “The Effect of Video-game Software in Video-game Epilepsy” by S. Ricci et al., attacks can also result from emotional excitement or sleep deprivation which stems from playing these games.

10)Playing video games often consumes more time.11)Some video games are costly

That's all we could find as the whole world accepts gamers are truely the best



Advantages of gaming

Gaming Industries

Gaming what is it?